Full throttle
/Hello there, this is my first post on a new platform with my improved and revamped website.
As many of you know, I am an Interior Designer, motivated by strong belief that people should not be shy to live in homes that are created specifically for them. I am serious: let's talk about you. Are you a minimalist? Less is more, clean uncluttered spaces and great lines? Maybe not, maybe you are totally not minimalist and love exuberance, colors and tons of details. Are you romantic? Or more of an outdoor-loving, rustic-style-appreciating person?
It doesn't matter.
I am always surprised just how many people live in nondescript environments, delaying creating a true home for later in life.... “later, when kids go out of the house,” “later, if we have more money (oh I love that if),” “ later, when I will have more time,” later, later....
I have some news for you. We only live once. Sad but true. Live now.
Please, embrace your personality, your way of living, your way of entertaining, cooking, sleeping, relaxing. Your home has to greet you when you enter, support you when you need it, provide you comfort and good rest. It has to be yours. I am not talking about the color of the pillows (well, the color is important too). I am talking about a living room with enough sitting groups to accommodate you when guests come over, about a bedroom with the desired level of privacy, comfort and sexiness, about a kitchen that serves your family well, about surfaces that fit your aesthetics and are on your level of comfort with necessary maintenance.
There is way too much worry about when it comes to how such a home will sell. Well, make conscious and educated decisions while working on your home. Decide how many years you are going to stay in it, try to understand who is your future buyer, how your community will look like at the time you are planing to move and plan your actions accordingly. Take a risk.
The art of Interior Design is not about showing the world how much money you are capable of spending. It is about personalization in a beautiful and functional way. About you and your family, your habits, quirks and desires, weaknesses and strong sides. Your travels. Your dreams.
Lack of money at the moment is no excuse, because on every level of wealth, every budget, there are ways to provide yourself with better living. Maybe hiring a designer is not what you want or can do now – this is fine.
Start yourself, put your heart, your thought into a project, be brave.
Allow your persona to emerge from behind that facade of appropriateness, and “everybody lives this way.” If white walls drive you mad, change them; display your treasures (in a tasteful way, it is better to rotate them than create a clatter), hang up those pictures, always try to think a bit above your comfort zone…
Of course, everybody's tastes and preferences change with time. So will yours, and then you will have an opportunity to change your environment. In a way that is comfortable and supportive to you again.
Create a home (an office, a store) you'll love. You do not have to live or work as your neighbors do or as your grandma did. Even if she had amazing taste, it was her taste.
Make your own nest, or castle, or ranch, or whatever you need to be happy, when you are coming home.
Right now start small: Remove that plastic from the couch. :)